Tag: caste discrimination

SB403 - Rebuttal To Sabeer Bhatia

Boiler-plate pieties are a form of casual lip service. But when a prominent memb...

Deelip Mhaske Recruits Sadaf Jaffer to Become New Jerse...

As SB403 comes unraveled and Wahab faces the heat of a recall campaign, there se...

The Opponents of California Caste Bill SB403 Stand for...

Those opposing SB 403 Caste Bill, are against the arm twisting and hacking of t...

American Bar Association's Resolution 513 Exposes Tru...

Under pressure from advocacy groups, SB403 has been dressed in neutral shades. B...

Explicit Bias in “ Implicit Bias Training” and Legal Qu...

Lawsuits are flying thick and fast in the United States as diversity trainings ...

SCOTUS Ends Racial Preferences in College Admissions, B...

Supreme Court bans racial preferences in college admissions while a new concern ...

Cracks Appear in BAPS Lawsuit as Workers Allege They We...

FBI raid on BAPS temple in New Jersey leads to a lawsuit alleging labor violatio...

BREAKING NEWS: Sikh Community and Mayor of Yuba City Pe...

Sikh community and Mayor of Yuba City oppose Senate Bill 403 introducing caste i...

Examining Caste Discrimination and Ethnic Targeting in ...

SB 403 and Caste resolutions take direct inspiration from Marxist theories and b...

Dismissal of CRD’s Caste Discrimination Case Reaffirms ...

Dismissal of CRD’s Caste Discrimination Case Has All the Clues on Why the New Ca...