December 29, 2023 info@castefiles.com
In a major development, the University of California, San Diego (UCSD), along with University of Washington, and Whitman College, has been added to the list of educational institutions under investigation by the US Department of Education (DOE) Office for Civil Rights (OCR). Even before the latest additions to the list, OCR was already conducting discrimination investigation into a host of educational institutions like UCLA, Stanford, and others.
We at Caste Files express satisfaction that our official Civil Rights Complaint against the horrifying racial discrimination against vulnerable minority groups ingrained in the policy framework of University of UCSD, is progressing in the right direction. In our complaint filed on August 14, 2023, we had exposed the blatant racism in the “Race, Caste, and Religion” (RCAR) Student Admissions Policy. The complaint was filed with the San Francisco office OCR of the US DOE.
The official website of UCSD’s Ethnic Studies Department states that RCAR Policy’s intent is to give preferential admission to “Dalit” and “Muslim” students while ignoring any other students belonging to “Non-Dalit” and “Non-Muslim” backgrounds. The policy defines “caste” as a 2500-year-old practice using the specific term “Brahminical caste system” thus tying it inextricably to the Hindu religion, India.
Subsequently, we also made submissions to the OCR pointing out that the UC System and its campuses are condoning the shocking terrorist strikes on Israel and glorifying the perpetrators, Hamas, which is a designated terror outfit in the list of the US Department of State. The UC System and its campuses are also deploying old, misleading tropes by labelling Israel as "Zionist" and co-relating it to India's "Hindutva" while trying to pin the accusation on both the countries of genocide in Palestine and Kashmir, respectively. Our complaints were duly acknowledged by the OCR.
"The gratuitous malevolence of the RCAR policy for admission has grave implications for Indian students down the road. It is clearly unconstitutional. "We are gratified that OCR has acknowledged our complaints and is now investigating UCSD for infringement of the US Constitution in its racist admission policy, slurring of vulnerable minorities like Hindus and Jews, and the wanton efforts at mainstreaming and normalizing terrorist acts in different parts of the world on US campuses," says Abhijit Bagal of Caste Files.
The Office for Civil Rights has the power and obligation to investigate UCSD’s role in creating, sponsoring, supporting, and promoting the RCAR program – and to discern whether UCSD is engaging in such discrimination in their other activities – and to impose whatever remedial relief is necessary to hold the school accountable for its unlawful conduct. This includes, if necessary, imposing fines, initiating administrative proceedings to suspend or terminate federal financial assistance, and referring the case to the Department of Justice (DoJ) for judicial proceedings to enforce the rights of the United States under federal law. After all, “the way to stop discrimination on the basis of race is to stop discriminating on the basis of race.”
Accordingly, Caste Files has petitioned DOE's OCR to impose remedial relief as the law permits for the benefit of those who have been illegally excluded from the UCSD RCAR's discriminatory criteria, and that the OCR ensure that all ongoing and future programming through UCSD comport with the Constitution and Federal civil rights laws.
If you are interested in understanding the truth about caste and race, please visit the Caste Files website at http://www.castefiles.com and become part of the conversation.
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