Dismissal of CRD’s Caste Discrimination Case Reaffirms Why Senator Wahab's New Caste Law is Perilous for Indian Americans

Dismissal of CRD’s Caste Discrimination Case Has All the Clues on Why the New Caste Law by Senator Wahab Forebodes Ill for Indian Americans

May 2, 2023 - 12:18
Dismissal of CRD’s Caste Discrimination Case Reaffirms Why Senator Wahab's New Caste Law is Perilous for Indian Americans

By Richa Gautam

April 24. 2023

CRD’s withdrawal of the Caste discrimination case against Iyer, Kompella was a result of the defendant’s filing of a Motion for Sanctions listing egregious prosecutorial violations and alleging fabrication of evidence.

If CRD has backed out to avoid penalty, the points in the motion for sanctions point to corrupt practices at CRD which is not surprising given that one of the attorneys on the case was fired by the governor and one resigned for another high-profile case which showcased a similar overreach.

Key facts in the Sanctions motions indicate that anonymous Dalit, John Doe's allegations of harassment and discrimination are unwarranted and CRD seems to have shown a lack of due process, while supporting overzealous broadcasting of the case to concoct a narrative of rampant caste discrimination in Silicon Valley. 

According to court declarations and Cisco demurrer, Sundar Iyer CEO of the startup, actively solicited and hired John Doe, gave him millions in equity and also championed another Dalit in the team. In fact, the top 3 positions in the startup were offered to another self-identifying meritorious Dalit. Two of these positions were offered to the meritorious Dalit candidate even before the plaintiff “John Doe” filed any complaint. 

Not only does this show the OPPOSITE of Caste discrimination, but records also show that both Iyer and Kompella suffered violations of their civil rights. Iyer was force-identified as a Hindu and Brahmin despite being irreligious.  On the other hand, Kompella was targeted and incriminated as an anti-Dalit Hindu Brahmin for asking John Doe to submit status reports, due to protocol instated by his white supervisor. This is despite the fact that Kompella stated that he had no idea of Doe’s caste.

The outrageous civil rights violations and fabrications of the Cisco Caste case, mounting evidence of anti-India and foreign actors behind the Caste campaigns,  and the shoddy 7-year-old Equality Labs survey, now debunked by the recent Carnegie Endowment Survey (which shows caste as a non-issue in the USA) are key reasons why the agenda-driven Caste bill SB 403 by Senator Wahab is being challenged vociferously by the Indian Americans in Sacramento on 25th April, when the Judicial committee is set to meet to decide future action on the bill. 

Indian Americans need to take this seriously and participate in the pushback as citizen or noncitizen taxpayers. Anyone of us could be wrongly targeted like Sundar Iyer or Ramana Kompella.

If it becomes law, Caste policy will drive wedges and identity complexes in our children for generations to come. For more please visit Castegate.org

This article originally appeared in the India Post.

Richa Gautam Richa Gautam is Founder of Caste Files and Co-Founder and Executive Director at Cares Global. She has been active in the field of advocacy and human rights for over a decade. She is currently engaged in the field of diversity, inclusiveness, and minority rights as well as decolonial practices with Cares Global and she is a Senior Research Associate at Indus University and a Fellow of the Center of Indic Studies at Ahmedabad. Her research focuses on emic and indigenous ethnographic studies and documenting lived experiences of Indian communities like Bheel, Kolis, Suthars, and those deemed as Dalit, Adivasis, or Criminal tribes by the heinous Criminal Tribes Act of 1871. She has spent the last six years dividing her time between field studies, advocacy efforts, and documenting and conducting research. Richa has published numerous articles under her byline for various newspapers internationally and is a speaker and presenter in media and social media.