Abhijit Bagal is a legal analyst at Caste Files. He is a Healthcare Analytics technologist at a managed care organization specializing in publicly funded behavioral healthcare. He holds a master's degree in software engineering and an MBA with a specialization in comparative international health. Additionally, Abhijit is a part-time law student with a focus on civil rights, due process, and equal protection of the law. Richa Gautam is Founder of Caste Files and Co-Founder and Executive Director at Cares Global. She has been active in the field of advocacy and human rights for over a decade. She is currently engaged in the field of diversity, inclusiveness, and minority rights as well as decolonial practices with Cares Global and she is a Senior Research Associate at Indus University and a Fellow of the Center of Indic Studies at Ahmedabad.
Federal agents from multiple US organizations raided the BAPS Swaminarayan templ...
Castefiles is officially one year old, and what a year it has been! Here are the...
Castefiles highlights University of San Diego University campuses across the US ...
The solution to end discrimination is not to add new forms of discrimination - c...
As SB403 comes unraveled and Wahab faces the heat of a recall campaign, there se...
Tables have turned on State Senator Wahab, author of the notorious and divisive ...
Hot off the Press: While we are still celebrating the VETO of the Caste Bill SB...
The divisive Race and Caste narratives are being concocted in a many-layered con...
Concocted academic surveys have been behind Race- bias workshops shaming employe...
The seeding of Caste narrative in California began with the fabricated and now d...